See FALL 2021 BY-ELECTIONS Page: By-Elections
TOTAL ELIGIBLE VOTERS FOR EXEC POSITIONS (22) (7 ineligible out of 45 respondents on the Voting google form, 16 additional voters did not sign up by the snapshot date of March 12 as per the Election Policies 2021/22)
Links: Constitution | SOCA Manual | Elections Policies | Nominating Committee Report Spring 2021
Balqees Jama won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Isaac Maulana won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20, No: 1; Abstain: 1
Lofty Conde won with 95.5% votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Samia Ishimwe won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20 , No: 1; Abstain: 1
Nafoni Modi won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21 , No: 1; Abstain: 0
Linda Kanyamuna won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20 , No: 1; Abstain: 1
VACANT (Acting Will Be Appointed till next By-Election)
Yasmin Mohamed won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20, No: 1; Abstain: 1
Khalid Ali won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Farah Messan won with 94.4% of votes cast (5.6% voted no)
Yes: 17, No: 1; Abstain: 4
Tiara Cash won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Mugasha Rutega won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20, No: 1; Abstain: 1
* An appointed at-large rep may be appointed in accordance with the SOCA Constitution
* Any vacant positions will be filled by appointment as Acting Position until the Fall By-Election
* Votes cast = Yes votes and No votes, does not include abstention
Links: Constitution | SOCA Manual | Elections Policies | Nominating Committee Report Spring 2021
Balqees Jama won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Isaac Maulana won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20, No: 1; Abstain: 1
Lofty Conde won with 95.5% votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Samia Ishimwe won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20 , No: 1; Abstain: 1
Nafoni Modi won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21 , No: 1; Abstain: 0
Linda Kanyamuna won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20 , No: 1; Abstain: 1
VACANT (Acting Will Be Appointed till next By-Election)
Yasmin Mohamed won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20, No: 1; Abstain: 1
Khalid Ali won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Farah Messan won with 94.4% of votes cast (5.6% voted no)
Yes: 17, No: 1; Abstain: 4
Tiara Cash won with 95.5% of votes cast (4.5% voted no)
Yes: 21, No: 1; Abstain: 0
Mugasha Rutega won with 95.2% of votes cast (4.8% voted no)
Yes: 20, No: 1; Abstain: 1
* An appointed at-large rep may be appointed in accordance with the SOCA Constitution
* Any vacant positions will be filled by appointment as Acting Position until the Fall By-Election
* Votes cast = Yes votes and No votes, does not include abstention
What would you like to see SOCA do over the next year 2020/2021? (<150 words)
- Nominating Committee 2021/22 (Tsion Gebremedhen, Monique Leslie, Giovanni HoSang)
- More Events: More activities for the whole community especially during the start of the semester to keep students engaged! ; Host online/virtual events! ; More socials and safe outings! ; Looking forward to meeting everyone in pardon. Hopefully in-person events; Bringing the community together more through various kinds of events, and regular general meetings. ; Bring back our fun general meetings (family time) ; Mental health initiatives ; Continue to support students through remote means! Continue to empower Black students and have more collaborative events with other student-led groups on campus. ; Mental Health check ins
- Suggested Event Advice: Make an event regarding investing, personal finance and entrepreneurship. ; Organising workshop on career enrichment, ways to deal with racism and discrimination; I would also appreciate more variations in event times (i.e after 4:30). Team building activities:)).
- Education: I would love to see how we can educate the student body on systemic racism. I think everyone needs to be educated on the black community and the problems they faced. ; Have open discussions with the community on how to be more united regarding situations that impact us all. Creating space for all voice to be heard, even when we disagree.
- SUB Space: Transition well into the SUB, establish events if in person ; Really make the SUB space their home and run awesome programming out of it.
- Empowerment: Represent and advocate for Black students at SFU to the SFSS and SFU and making sure policy, practices and the campus overall is safer for Black people. ; build stronger community, engage grad students more ; Continue to persevere and fight for more black inclusion/ black spaces, black representation in SFU management, community engagement activities cantered at the youth in Vancouver ; COMMUNITY BUILDING:
- Dialogue: Achieve unity. Allow for discourse and prevent any disputes from turning into a theatrical public affair. I'll not pretend to know everything that went down with the last tenure but SOCA cannot and should not be a place where we're othering our own. Bring the community together
- Celebratory: Much love. Thanks for what you do. Be great, celebrate our people. Continue growing the group and providing events to attend.
- Inclusion: Make sure everyone feel empowered and included, continue your great work!!
- Community Building:
- 1. Approach EVERY Black student you see on online or any of the 3 campuses if you're able to in that moment. Invite them to the next SOCA event/meeting and encourage them to sign up for the mailing list & follow the IG / FB / Twitter. (I promise this one works in making people feel seen and appreciated. Warms hearts.)
- 2. Maintain an online presence:
- minimum 1 post per week (relevant SFU news, resources, local events, updates catered to Black students) & have regular hangout sessions / and diverse range of event
- 3. Recruit members to various committees; every committee host 1 event per semester
- 4. Recruit members to various committees [events, social justice, dance team, etc]; every committee host 1 event per semester.
- 5. Host frequent small-scale, low-energy events online and in the new SUB suite. That's where the real bonding happens! It’s really fun to hang out together. (alternate between bi-weekly meeting and bi-weekly event
- 6. Get the SOCA Library digitized and officially part of the Rotunda Library AND the SFU Bennett Library databases.
- 1. Invite ASA to merge; become a comprehensive Black Student Union (BSU), serving the diverse and uniquely-placed Black student population at SFU
- 2. Work with SFSS to establish a BLACK COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE (with a staff coordinator and levy to run the centre)
- 3. Advocate for SFU (with SFSS too) to collect racial stats so marginalized students (especially already-ignored Black students) have concrete data to support our claims and deflect gas lighting. [Currently, no racial data = no support = SFU continues systemically ignoring our needs because they don't believe us.]
- 4. Maintain the new Black Space in the SUB with office hours
- 5. Get extra SFSS funding for furnishing of the SOCA lounge and offices
- 6. Advocate for AT LEAST 2 Black counselors and 1 doctor, all with an understanding of systemic racism+intersectionality, in SFU Health and Counselling
- Nominating Committee 2021/22 (Tsion Gebremedhen, Monique Leslie, Giovanni HoSang)
* All voters (45 respondents) are added for the survey who would've been ineligible for the Executive Positions (did not sign up to be members by the snapshot date or is an alumni member) but who are still SOCA members
On a scale of 1-5, do you think SOCA advocates well on your behalf? (1 means Very Poorly, 5 means Very Well) (summarize)
Do you have any suggestions on how SOCA can advocate for you better?
Key findings:
80.6% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents thinks that SOCA does well or very well to advocate on their behalf
12.9% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents thinks that SOCA does neutral to advocate on their behalf
6.4% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents thinks that SOCA does poorly or very poorly to advocate on their behalf
- More dialogues less arguments or call outs
- Nothing that comes to mind
- More open discussion
- No more right wingers tearing the community apart*
Key findings:
80.6% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents thinks that SOCA does well or very well to advocate on their behalf
12.9% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents thinks that SOCA does neutral to advocate on their behalf
6.4% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents thinks that SOCA does poorly or very poorly to advocate on their behalf
Do you agree that SFU does well to make Black folks feel heard or empowered on campus?
Additional Comments:
Key findings:
14.7% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents Agrees or Strongly Agrees that SFU does well to make Black folks feel heard or empowered
23.5% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents are neutral that SFU does well to make Black folks feel heard or empowered
61.8% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents Agrees or Strongly Agrees that SFU does poorly to make Black folks feel heard or empowered
- Can we have more questions on how to improve our knowledge on culture instead of questions of SFU treats us? Good to have a safe space from all the madness
- SFU can only push to do better. I believe there's an opportunity for a somewhat clean slate given the university's young age and history. Yes, SFU may benefit from white supremacy and may not have been founded as an institution with BIPOC in mind but a foundation can be built that benefits BIPOC now and going forward for anyone that comes after us
- SFU lack including Black folk in the majority of their EDI Initiatives and additionally make it heavily difficult to consult - in this manner folks are not heard or empowered.
- It is not my place to say if the Black community has felt heard or empowered as a non-Black individual however I believe the past year has shown a lack in support towards the Black community from SFU's side.
Key findings:
14.7% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents Agrees or Strongly Agrees that SFU does well to make Black folks feel heard or empowered
23.5% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents are neutral that SFU does well to make Black folks feel heard or empowered
61.8% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents Agrees or Strongly Agrees that SFU does poorly to make Black folks feel heard or empowered
Do you feel as if SFU is equipped to handle anti-Black racism in the classroom or on SFU campus?
Additional comments:
Key findings:
78.8% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents DOES feel that SFU is equipped to handle anti-Black racism in the classroom or on campus
21.2% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents DOES NOT feel that SFU is equipped to handle anti-Black racism in the classroom or on campus
- Its a tough question, it needs to be put in place as soon as possible, however with adequate curriculum and Black folk governing (these folk also have to get hired) the curriculum development process
- SFU is disproportionately white. This is the first challenge and the only way to equip SFU to handle anti-Black racism is by providing SFU's leadership and student body with the space and resources to understand anti-Black racism. My take is that, SOCA, the Black Caucus, ASA and perhaps even ALAS if they are on board to lobby for an executive level diversity commissioner to oversee matters of intersectional racial and linguistic minorities. Ideally this individual could be someone coming in from a locale where they've had experience building bridges in this area, either in academia or even diplomacy. If they're hiking our tuition, they can afford to pay the big bucks to someone willing to make us feel safer, seen and heard.
- I think some instructors know how to handle it, while others don't, and SFU as a whole isn't capable
- They can become equipped if they put the proper measures in place to break down the current structures of anti-Blackness in the institution
Key findings:
78.8% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents DOES feel that SFU is equipped to handle anti-Black racism in the classroom or on campus
21.2% of SOCA Elections Survey 2021 respondents DOES NOT feel that SFU is equipped to handle anti-Black racism in the classroom or on campus
Would you join discord?
The Executive Team is bound by the Constitution of the SFU Students of Caribbean and African Ancestry. The Executive is held accountable for the actions and activities of SOCA by the SOCA membership at regular membership meetings, while the volunteers help keep us running effectively!
Links: Constitution | SOCA Manual | Election Policies 2021/22
Online Voting:
Contact the [email protected] (Tsion, Giovanni, Monique) if you have any questions!
Links: Constitution | SOCA Manual | Election Policies 2021/22
Online Voting:
Contact the [email protected] (Tsion, Giovanni, Monique) if you have any questions!
The following are the candiates running for SOCA ELECTIONS 2021/22!
Balqees Jama
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words)
I have been actively supporting SOCA and Black students at SFU since 2018 in various capacities, and have practical skills that I would use to coordinate SOCA’s functions as the President. I have organized SOCA events and consistently recruited Black students I come across. I’m one of the former SOCA Execs and activists that successfully mobilized students for SOCA’s Black Spaces Matter campaign that sought to fight unjust eviction by the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) and allocate our space in the new Student Union Building. I spent the 2020-21 year systemically supporting SOCA and Black students through my role on the SFSS Board of Directors. I advocated for systemic inclusion of Black students within policies & practices of both SFU administration and the SFSS. I am excited for SOCA to move into our new home in the SUB, and look forward to establish a welcoming and supportive environment for Black students for SFU and FIC students.
I have been actively supporting SOCA and Black students at SFU since 2018 in various capacities, and have practical skills that I would use to coordinate SOCA’s functions as the President. I have organized SOCA events and consistently recruited Black students I come across. I’m one of the former SOCA Execs and activists that successfully mobilized students for SOCA’s Black Spaces Matter campaign that sought to fight unjust eviction by the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) and allocate our space in the new Student Union Building. I spent the 2020-21 year systemically supporting SOCA and Black students through my role on the SFSS Board of Directors. I advocated for systemic inclusion of Black students within policies & practices of both SFU administration and the SFSS. I am excited for SOCA to move into our new home in the SUB, and look forward to establish a welcoming and supportive environment for Black students for SFU and FIC students.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required?
My role as President is to support the Executive team in fulfilling their duties, and coordinate initiatives of the membership in line with SOCA’s mandate. To do this, I commit to:
- Set the semesterly plan of events timeline. This can include traditionally held events like J’ouvert, semesterly ice breakers, movie and game night socials, community discussions, collaborative events or workshops with internal and external groups to SFU, Black History Month programming, etc.
- Strengthen relations with the Rotunda community alongside Internal Relations Officer
- Recruit Black SFU and FIC students at the start of the semesters in various online spaces.
- Continue to advocate to SFU for more equitable and anti-racist policies and practices. This includes working with internal groups such as SFSS groups, ASA, and the newly formed SFU Black Caucus, consisting of Black students, staff, faculty, and alumni.
- Ensure SOCA’s smooth transition into the SUB. I will spearhead establishing and directing students to the new SOCA room, asking branches and departments on campus to also let students know of SOCA’s location and services. I also want to look into how to get furnishing for the larger space.
Contact: Insta - @balqeesjama_ | Twitter and FB @BalqeesJama
My role as President is to support the Executive team in fulfilling their duties, and coordinate initiatives of the membership in line with SOCA’s mandate. To do this, I commit to:
- Set the semesterly plan of events timeline. This can include traditionally held events like J’ouvert, semesterly ice breakers, movie and game night socials, community discussions, collaborative events or workshops with internal and external groups to SFU, Black History Month programming, etc.
- Strengthen relations with the Rotunda community alongside Internal Relations Officer
- Recruit Black SFU and FIC students at the start of the semesters in various online spaces.
- Continue to advocate to SFU for more equitable and anti-racist policies and practices. This includes working with internal groups such as SFSS groups, ASA, and the newly formed SFU Black Caucus, consisting of Black students, staff, faculty, and alumni.
- Ensure SOCA’s smooth transition into the SUB. I will spearhead establishing and directing students to the new SOCA room, asking branches and departments on campus to also let students know of SOCA’s location and services. I also want to look into how to get furnishing for the larger space.
Contact: Insta - @balqeesjama_ | Twitter and FB @BalqeesJama
Isaac Maulana (he/him/his)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words)
I have been in various leadership and group team roles within the SFU volunteering spaces which has equipped me with skills help me effectively complete tasks. I am very interested in grassroot organizational structures and believe this role will help gain more experience and information on the practical ways to contributing to social justice and equity.
What is your plan and level of capacity?
I plan to serve with the president and complete all tasks to do with social justice outreach and advocacy. I am confident i will have 2-5 hours within my week for the next semester to execute all these plans.
Contact: Twitter- @isaacmaulana4
I have been in various leadership and group team roles within the SFU volunteering spaces which has equipped me with skills help me effectively complete tasks. I am very interested in grassroot organizational structures and believe this role will help gain more experience and information on the practical ways to contributing to social justice and equity.
What is your plan and level of capacity?
I plan to serve with the president and complete all tasks to do with social justice outreach and advocacy. I am confident i will have 2-5 hours within my week for the next semester to execute all these plans.
Contact: Twitter- @isaacmaulana4
Mohamed Lofty Conde (he/him/his)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
Being part of the Exec has shown me the work these positions require
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
To fully implement the agenda of the president while making sure the community is well-taken care
Being part of the Exec has shown me the work these positions require
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
To fully implement the agenda of the president while making sure the community is well-taken care
Samia Ishimwe (she/her/hers)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words)
During my year of being a youth director in my community, I have amassed a few skills that perfectly prepare me for this position. Having meetings, taking meeting notes, and proposing ideas and events for the association was part of my duties. I am very excited to have the chance to work with you all. As for treasurer, I have learned to allocate funds for projects during my time as a youth director. I am also skilled in bookkeeping and excel. I have had to budget and buy items for day camps and fundraisers that I have planned and executed. My skills are better honed for a secretarial position but I would be a great treasurer as well. I am new to SFU and would love to join the SOCA family as a member and as an executive. The SOCA community would gain a hardworking dedicated food and fashion-loving member.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average)
I plan to make SOCA more efficient to those involved. I would be a great secretary. I am committing 5 hours weekly to execute my plans .
Contact - @samia.ish
During my year of being a youth director in my community, I have amassed a few skills that perfectly prepare me for this position. Having meetings, taking meeting notes, and proposing ideas and events for the association was part of my duties. I am very excited to have the chance to work with you all. As for treasurer, I have learned to allocate funds for projects during my time as a youth director. I am also skilled in bookkeeping and excel. I have had to budget and buy items for day camps and fundraisers that I have planned and executed. My skills are better honed for a secretarial position but I would be a great treasurer as well. I am new to SFU and would love to join the SOCA family as a member and as an executive. The SOCA community would gain a hardworking dedicated food and fashion-loving member.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average)
I plan to make SOCA more efficient to those involved. I would be a great secretary. I am committing 5 hours weekly to execute my plans .
Contact - @samia.ish
Internal Relations CANDIDATSS
Linda Kanyamuna (she/her/hers)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
I've always been passionate about social justice and cultivating inclusivity within my community, and I am especially committed to being a vessel for my student body at Simon Fraser University, especially the Black community. I am prepared to advocate for, and support my fellow Black colleagues at our university, but I am mostly excited to cultivate community and maintain a healthy environment that for once upholds Blackness at this institution. I possess many experience that may prepare me for the IRO position; I am involved in the CMNSU where I am the communications coordinator, I am the director of marketing for Women in Engineering, as well as a member on the FCAT Student advisory council. I strongly believe that these commitments have strengthen my ability to communicate meaningfully, and organize tasks efficiently.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
If I am elected I plan to collaborate with our executives promptly on our holistic goals and begin to combat those accordingly. I am interested in updating the website content particularly along with the ITO. I look forward to capitalizing on the mobilization of Black students at SFU and brainstorming ways to navigate this goal as the pandemic (unfortunately) persists into future semesters. Some ideas around this mostly surround social media engagement: contests, virtual events, leveraging live-streaming, podcasting, sharing the talents and achievements of our community, things like this- overall boosting our activity on our socials now, will set us up for a more interactive turnout once we begin our initiatives in-person! My level of commitment looks like 3-4 hours a week.
IG: @blasianspiderman
I've always been passionate about social justice and cultivating inclusivity within my community, and I am especially committed to being a vessel for my student body at Simon Fraser University, especially the Black community. I am prepared to advocate for, and support my fellow Black colleagues at our university, but I am mostly excited to cultivate community and maintain a healthy environment that for once upholds Blackness at this institution. I possess many experience that may prepare me for the IRO position; I am involved in the CMNSU where I am the communications coordinator, I am the director of marketing for Women in Engineering, as well as a member on the FCAT Student advisory council. I strongly believe that these commitments have strengthen my ability to communicate meaningfully, and organize tasks efficiently.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
If I am elected I plan to collaborate with our executives promptly on our holistic goals and begin to combat those accordingly. I am interested in updating the website content particularly along with the ITO. I look forward to capitalizing on the mobilization of Black students at SFU and brainstorming ways to navigate this goal as the pandemic (unfortunately) persists into future semesters. Some ideas around this mostly surround social media engagement: contests, virtual events, leveraging live-streaming, podcasting, sharing the talents and achievements of our community, things like this- overall boosting our activity on our socials now, will set us up for a more interactive turnout once we begin our initiatives in-person! My level of commitment looks like 3-4 hours a week.
IG: @blasianspiderman
Nafoni Modi (she/her/hers)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
I have spent the past 3 years working with community organizations that focus on bettering and empowering Black communities, with the most notable being the Black in BC Mutual Aid. I am deeply passionate in providing equitable opportunities and resources to Black individuals. However, I also believe that Black folks deserve and need spaces in which they may feel safe, comfortable, and where they can look to each other for support and affirmations. I believe that being a part of SOCA will allow for me to be able to adequately do this. SOCA has provided me so many amazing friends, love and comfort over my university career, and I hope to be able to provide this to young Black students who enter SFU in the future.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
As ERO, i hope to be able to provide Black students with some safe and culturally appropriate volunteer resources through networking and organizing with Black organizations in BC. My level of commitment to SOCA is 3 hours per week on average
IG - @nafoni
I have spent the past 3 years working with community organizations that focus on bettering and empowering Black communities, with the most notable being the Black in BC Mutual Aid. I am deeply passionate in providing equitable opportunities and resources to Black individuals. However, I also believe that Black folks deserve and need spaces in which they may feel safe, comfortable, and where they can look to each other for support and affirmations. I believe that being a part of SOCA will allow for me to be able to adequately do this. SOCA has provided me so many amazing friends, love and comfort over my university career, and I hope to be able to provide this to young Black students who enter SFU in the future.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
As ERO, i hope to be able to provide Black students with some safe and culturally appropriate volunteer resources through networking and organizing with Black organizations in BC. My level of commitment to SOCA is 3 hours per week on average
IG - @nafoni
events coordinator CANDIDATES
Yasmin Mohamed (she/her/hers)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
As someone who works best behind the screens, I have had many experiences that helped prepare me for these positions. For example, I spent many years at my local religious centre as an event coordinator. Also, I was someone who quietly helped build the relationships between my peers and our teachers. I hope the SOCA community benefits from my work by appreciating the work that I can do independently.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
IG - @yassiez_
As someone who works best behind the screens, I have had many experiences that helped prepare me for these positions. For example, I spent many years at my local religious centre as an event coordinator. Also, I was someone who quietly helped build the relationships between my peers and our teachers. I hope the SOCA community benefits from my work by appreciating the work that I can do independently.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
IG - @yassiez_
Khalid Ali (he/him/his)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
I have spent the last 3 years as an exec for the Somali Students Association at SFU. First as a secretary, then a Vice President and currently as President. While I held these positions we spearheaded events with the community as well as on campus. These events were tailored at building a stronger Somali and black community as well as making connections with black professionals to help guide those who are still trying to figure out what to do in life. Being a part of the SOCA community will allow me to view things from a broader and more diverse perspective and will introduce me to more community spaces so I can learn even more about the best ways to help our communities.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
My plans are to gain a deeper understanding of how SFU deals with and interacts with black students and black clubs on campus. I will still be involved with the SSA and look forward to spearheading events to help black students both on campus and in the community. I also hope to play any role needed by me for SOCA and will be as committed as I need to be to fulfill this responsibility.
IG- _khalidali_
I have spent the last 3 years as an exec for the Somali Students Association at SFU. First as a secretary, then a Vice President and currently as President. While I held these positions we spearheaded events with the community as well as on campus. These events were tailored at building a stronger Somali and black community as well as making connections with black professionals to help guide those who are still trying to figure out what to do in life. Being a part of the SOCA community will allow me to view things from a broader and more diverse perspective and will introduce me to more community spaces so I can learn even more about the best ways to help our communities.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
My plans are to gain a deeper understanding of how SFU deals with and interacts with black students and black clubs on campus. I will still be involved with the SSA and look forward to spearheading events to help black students both on campus and in the community. I also hope to play any role needed by me for SOCA and will be as committed as I need to be to fulfill this responsibility.
IG- _khalidali_
Mugasha Rutega (he/him/his)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
I was voted to be part of the student council in my high-school. Thereafter, promoted to one of the core roles as the campus manager, a person who was the bridge between the school officials and the unhappy students. My skills in diplomacy are impeccable. I've lived in quite a few countries, been to 4 different high-schools, where I was, 90% of the time, the minority so I've always had to save people from their own ignorance. You need me on the team because these experiences have taught me skills in communication and teamwork that can't be bought at school.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
I want to give those first years a community that I lacked. This would mean creating more informal ways for everyone to meet each other, ideally in smaller groups that way there is a higher chance of actual communication. An idea that comes to mind would be a sort of speed dating event, except the premise is to find friends. I'm aiming to create community that way when planning an event, there is a higher chance of efficiency due to bonds and mutual respect being formed. I'm not taking any courses next semester, however, I will be working so my hours can range from 2-5 hours per week.
IG: @mugroots88
I was voted to be part of the student council in my high-school. Thereafter, promoted to one of the core roles as the campus manager, a person who was the bridge between the school officials and the unhappy students. My skills in diplomacy are impeccable. I've lived in quite a few countries, been to 4 different high-schools, where I was, 90% of the time, the minority so I've always had to save people from their own ignorance. You need me on the team because these experiences have taught me skills in communication and teamwork that can't be bought at school.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
I want to give those first years a community that I lacked. This would mean creating more informal ways for everyone to meet each other, ideally in smaller groups that way there is a higher chance of actual communication. An idea that comes to mind would be a sort of speed dating event, except the premise is to find friends. I'm aiming to create community that way when planning an event, there is a higher chance of efficiency due to bonds and mutual respect being formed. I'm not taking any courses next semester, however, I will be working so my hours can range from 2-5 hours per week.
IG: @mugroots88
Farah Messan (she/her/hers)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
I have volunteered in several activities during my time at FIC (such as valentines day preparations, UCC and orientation ) and I know the FIC community since I was there for a while and I will know how to engage FIC students in SOCA.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
I hope to encourage FIC students to take part in more SOCA activities and introduce SOCA to FIC as many students may not be aware. I hope that students at FIC can find a family in SOCA by organizing several icebreakers and fun events to help feel more connected to home.
IG - @farathm
I have volunteered in several activities during my time at FIC (such as valentines day preparations, UCC and orientation ) and I know the FIC community since I was there for a while and I will know how to engage FIC students in SOCA.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
I hope to encourage FIC students to take part in more SOCA activities and introduce SOCA to FIC as many students may not be aware. I hope that students at FIC can find a family in SOCA by organizing several icebreakers and fun events to help feel more connected to home.
IG - @farathm
Tiara Cash (she/her/hers)
How has your experiences helped you prepare for this position and how will the SOCA community benefit from you serving in this capacity? (<150 words) *
I'm a returning graduate student completing my first year at SFU. The past few years after gaining my masters were spent in a full-time university role. Having both the student experience and the administrative experience within higher education has helped me to understand navigating university relationships. My hope is to bring this expertise, and overall enthusiasm to the board as your Grad Rep.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
If elected, I plan to use the time dedicated to this position representing SOCA at the TSSU and GSS. My goal is to give voice to anything we are doing to support the community at these graduate functions and to be a liaison for information coming from these sources as well. I plan to dedicate 2-4 hours each week to supporting this mission.
@princess_mentality; @crownedvittallc
I'm a returning graduate student completing my first year at SFU. The past few years after gaining my masters were spent in a full-time university role. Having both the student experience and the administrative experience within higher education has helped me to understand navigating university relationships. My hope is to bring this expertise, and overall enthusiasm to the board as your Grad Rep.
If you get elected, what are your plans for each semester and how are you committed to executing those plans in the position you are most interested in? What is your level of commitment to execute on those plans and do you have the time required? (eg. 2-5 hours per week on average) *
If elected, I plan to use the time dedicated to this position representing SOCA at the TSSU and GSS. My goal is to give voice to anything we are doing to support the community at these graduate functions and to be a liaison for information coming from these sources as well. I plan to dedicate 2-4 hours each week to supporting this mission.
@princess_mentality; @crownedvittallc
Information technology officer candidates
No candidates submitted nominations for this position. As a result, this position will be spread amongst the Executive until an Acting ITO is appointed. A By-Election will then be run in the Fall.
EXEC AT LARGE (Appointed)
* One Exec at large will be appointed at the meeting following the elections - may be a losing candidate or any other member of the organization.